varnish series circle metals
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1k one-component varnish in imitation of the circle scratched metals, it gives light and great brightness to the treated support.
The new series with the scratched steel effect Never® Circle is characterized from a non uniform metal scratching effect, imperceptible to the touch, and extremely bright and soft.
The effect can be realized through a cycle of painting (on panels on MDF, on melamine paper, aluminum, zama) which combines the employment of the traditional polyester, acrylic, polyurethane primers for wood already used by Companies or directly on metals through the finishings with the effect scratched steel of the series Never® Circle.

Finishings which surprise, innovative and revolutionary colorations, which inspire themselves from the dyes of luxury and fashion, which draw inspiration from the preciosity of jewelries and goldsmith works. In the sign of the deepest and detailed style Made in Italy, the series Never® Circle comes to life, surrounding with its voluptuous curves every architectural and design object.
Industrial colorations which trace the luxury of the Beauty, which are able to underline the particularity of the creative inspiration.
Copper, gold, titanium, champagne: these are only some of the most beautiful colorations chosen from the most famous Architects and Designers to wear up their artworks, which find application both in the world of architecture, design and contract, and in the series production of kitchens, bathrooms, living, retail, accessories and small objects.
A precious and industrial series at the same time.