varnish series flat metals
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1k one-component varnish in imitation of the flat galvanic finishings, it gives light and great brightness to the treated support.
Matt metallic final product. Highly bright, it can be applied in direct adhesion on melt alloys (zama, brass, aluminum) or iron, with anti-scratch performing characteristics and resistant against the main cleaning products and food, through the employment of specific cycles of painting.
Apt for supports made on metal, plastic, wood and composites, both for interior (outlines, furniture complements, structures, accessories, handles) and for outdoor employments (windows and doors, facades, architecture, structures).

Free from those typical points which belong to the metallic products, the metal series Never® Flat is characterized from high brightness, total coverage and the complete absence of points.
The perfect imitation of the matt galvanic finishings for every surface.
The high level of coverage and its versatility both for vertical and for horizontal applications make the series Never® Flat an excellent product for every support, through the employment of specific cycles.
Thanks to the employment of new ceramic technologies, which are able to give unique characteristics of resistance, the series Never® Flat is considered the winning feature for the furniture industry.
The splendor of the raw materials, the product’s durability and the absolute and continuous repeatability during the production phases make the series Never® Flat the ideal partner for every luxury brand.
Iron, zinc iron, steel AISI 303,304,316, drawn aluminum, die-cast aluminum, sheet aluminum, anodized aluminum, brass, zama, magnesium, ABS, ABS-SAN, PA, PA-6, PP, PMA, PU, PET, composite polymers, fiberglass, carbon fiber, kevlar, wood, MDF, HDF, plywood, OSB, phaesitme.
The series Never® Flat does not have any application limitation, because it allows the employment of the treated workpieces both for interior and for outdoor projects.
The series Never® Flat does not have any application limitation, because it allows the employment of the treated workpieces both for interior and for outdoor projects.