varnish vintage bronzed effect
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2k two-component varnish in imitation of the vintage bronzed brass and burnished copper, it gives light and softness to the treated support.
Bright product with a natural matt wax effect with adhesion on metals and metal alloys, plastic polymers, MDF, wood and composites through the employment of specific adhesion primers.
Resistant against the main cleaning products and food, non-yellowing, anti-usury, anti-touch. Apt both for interior employments (outlines, furniture complements, structures, accessories, handles), and for outdoor employments (windows and doors, facades, architecture, structures).
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Color and brightness, hardness and resistance against corrosion make DELABRE’ a precious and original element for Architecture and Design. All surfaces treated with DELABRE’ BRASS can reveal luxury and elegance, tradition and memory.
Burnishing, a deliberately executed oxidation, seals the material. This treatment creates a so-called "living surface" that is already irregular when new.
Trends dictated from Interior Design are in continuous evolution and, in the last period, there has been a great return of the copper finishings for the furniture field. As a matter of fact, hot metals represent the new trend against the cold and grey colors belonging to the recent style.
DELABRE’ reinvents the way to design, by giving the possibility to realize the classical finishings on every kind of support, without limits of dimension, weight or material.
Sometimes words are not enough. We need colors. Shapes. Emotions.
Warm dyes, author notes which recall Brianza at the top of its success in the world.
Finishings which have built up the history of the furnishing Brianza and return in order to give emotions, like when our fathers and our grandfathers gave us emotions by creating with just a few instruments real and unique workpieces.